Mission & Vision

Gather, Grow, Give, Go

The Mission

The mission of North Hills Church is to Glorify God by Gathering, Growing, Giving, and Going. 

The Vision

North Hills Church desires to be a Gathering of Christ followers led by the Holy Spirit who are faithfully Growing, sacrificially Giving, and continually Going for the Glory of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Who We Are

Our Identity – We were created to exist in unity and harmony with our Creator. Sin has separated us from our purpose and marred our reason for existence. Before the work of Christ, we were enemies of God and in rebellion towards His purposes on the earth, but Christ has given His life to give us a new life and a new identity. We are new a creation and get to experience our new identity in Christ. 

What We Do

Our Mission – When Jesus left this earth to prepare for His return, He called us to go into all the world and make disciples. He called us to be the family of God together as missionaries to make disciple-makers. This is the core of our calling in our time left here on earth. We exist to glorify God and to do good works in the earth so that the world may see God and submit their lives to Him. 

Why the gospel

The Gospel literally means “good news." In short, the Gospel is this: God Himself has come to earth among us to rescue and renew creation in and through the work of Jesus Christ on our behalf.  The Gospel is God’s solution for the greatest problem in the world. The Gospel is the message and mission of the church. 

About Us

Get to know more about what makes us different.

North Hills Church was established by God’s grace in 2011. The Lord placed in the heart of one man a desire to preach the Word and plant a church in Ouachita Parish. With the blessing and full support of Cedar Crest Baptist Church, eight families were sent out on September 11, 2011, to hold their first gathering in Calhoun, Louisiana.

Since that initial gathering, the Lord has worked powerfully among His people at North Hills. The congregation has witnessed firsthand the providential hand of God at work—saving the souls of the lost and raising up faithful disciples. In time, North Hills merged 
with a congregation in West Monroe and is now located at 2208 Wellerman Road, West Monroe, LA 71291. In 2024, North Hills celebrated the joyous milestone of sending out its first church plant: Veritas Reformed Baptist Church.

North Hills Church is elder-led, congregationally-ruled, and deacon-served. The plurality of pastor/elder leadership ensures the church body is shepherded with wisdom and care. The congregation retains the final decision-making authority, affirming the priesthood of all believers. With a dedicated group of deacons, the whole body is served effectively and lovingly. 

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